//----- // Variables and functions below this line are used to generate links to // pages. You should only change these if you plan to change the URL // scheme, e.g., to enable links like: // // http://somewiki.org/PageName // // You can do this using Apache's mod_rewrite extension. If you do so, you // may change the code below to generate appropriate URLs. $ScriptPath = 'http://squirrelmail.org/wiki/'; $ViewBase = $ScriptBase . '?page='; $EditBase = $ScriptBase . '?action=edit&page='; $HistoryBase = $ScriptBase . '?action=history&page='; $FindScript = $ScriptBase . '?action=find'; $FindBase = $FindScript . '&find='; $SaveBase = $ScriptBase . '?action=save&page='; $DiffScript = $ScriptBase . '?action=diff'; $PrefsScript = $ScriptPath . 'preferences'; //$PrefsScript = $ScriptBase . '?action=prefs'; function tavi_urlencode($url) { return (str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($url))); } function viewURL($page, $version = '', $full = '') { global $ViewBase; global $ScriptPath; if ($full == '') { return $ScriptPath . tavi_urlencode($page) . ($version == '' ? '' : "/$version"); } else { return $ScriptPath . 'full/' . tavi_urlencode($page) . ($version == '' ? '' : "/$version"); } // return $ViewBase . tavi_urlencode($page) . // ($version == '' ? '' : "&version=$version") . // ($full == '' ? '' : '&full=1'); } function editURL($page, $version = '') { global $EditBase; global $ScriptPath; return $ScriptPath . 'edit/' . tavi_urlencode($page) . ($version == '' ? '' : "/$version"); // return $EditBase . tavi_urlencode($page) . // ($version == '' ? '' : "&version=$version"); } function historyURL($page, $full = '') { global $HistoryBase; global $ScriptPath; if ($full == '') { return $ScriptPath . 'history/' . tavi_urlencode($page); } else { return $ScriptPath . 'fullhistory/' . tavi_urlencode($page); } // return $HistoryBase . tavi_urlencode($page) . // ($full == '' ? '' : '&full=1'); } function findURL($page) { global $FindBase; global $ScriptPath; return $ScriptPath . 'find/' . tavi_urlencode($page); // return $FindBase . tavi_urlencode($page); } function saveURL($page) { global $SaveBase; return $SaveBase . tavi_urlencode($page); } ?>
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