Screen shots
Junk Email Filter
Plugins - Taglines
Category: Miscellaneous
Appends random quotes, chosen from "fortune" program, or remote web site, to outbound messages.
Version 0.4
by Paul Lesniewski on Jul 29, 2004
Please support this plugin's development: Donate to this author
[ taglines-0.4-1.4.1.tar.gz tarball (6455 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.4.1
- Added ability for user to turn taglines on/off (both on Display Preferences page as well as Compose screen)
- Moved QOTD file to data directory
Older versions
Version 0.3
by Paul Lesniewski on Dec 6, 2003
[ taglines-0.3-1.4.1.tar.gz tarball (5613 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.4.1
Description: - Reduced bandwidth requirements slightly
Version 0.2
by Paul Lesniewski on Dec 5, 2003
[ taglines-0.2-1.4.1.tar.gz tarball (5223 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.4.1
- Updated to work with SquirrelMail 1.4.1 and up
- Corrected QOTD parsing
- Added auto QOTD caching
- Added configuration file where the admin can determine the source of taglines
- Updated to conform with new SquirrelMail plugin specs
Version 0.1
by Tracy McKibben on Apr 10, 2002
[ taglines-0.1.tar.gz tarball (7755 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 0.5 or above
Description: Initial release
If you have problems with the download or decompressing...
- Internet Explorer
- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Target As"
- Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape
- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Link As"
- Opera
- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Link Document As"
- Lynx and Links
- Press "d" on the link to download the file directly.
- Untarring problems: Your browser might have un-gzipped it for you
automatically. Try just "tar xvf" instead of
"tar xvfz". Also, the plugins archive isn't gzipped
(it is a tarball of .tar.gz files)
- Macintosh users: Just hold down your mouse button to get the menu
instead of right-clicking.
- If all else fails, seek our help