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Junk Email Filter
Plugins - SQL Squirrel Logger
Category: Obsolete
Superceded by Squirrel Logger plugin. Please see Squirrel Logger.
Logs user logins, logouts, timeouts, invalid logins, the host they came from and the date/time the event occurred into a MySQL database. Also provides a web page to query and view the logged information.
Version 1.1.0
by Pat Winn on Dec 15, 2003
[ sql_squirrel_logger-1.1.0.tar.gz tarball (8876 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.4.2 and a fairly recent MySQL
Description: * Removed the need for global variables so it works with php globals off
* Added the ability to delete data older than a given date to showinfo.php
* A couple of minor code cleanups
* Updated README for use with SM 1.4.2
Older versions
Version 1.0.0
by Pat Winn on Jan 20, 2002
[ sql_squirrel_logger.tar.gz tarball (10577 d/l) Help ]
Requires: MySQL (tested on v3.23.41 but should work on others)
Description: Initial release.
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- Press "d" on the link to download the file directly.
- Untarring problems: Your browser might have un-gzipped it for you
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- Macintosh users: Just hold down your mouse button to get the menu
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- If all else fails, seek our help