Version 2.0.2
by Kerem Erkan on Nov 11, 2002
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: SquirrelMail >= 1.1 and quota enabled on IMAP server.
Description: - Plugin no longer needs SquirrelMail and IMAP server installed on the same machine (You still need a PHP enabled webserver on your IMAP server though).
- Removed quota finding function. You must explicitly state the path for your quota binary. (This speeds up the plugin and also has better platform support).
- Plugin now has a disk_quota.po for localisation.
- "OK!" and "EXCEEDED!" replaced by images.
- Changed the mistakenly written nbsp with nbsp; This problem was on v2.0.
- Some english language fixes from 2.0.1 (thanks to Jeroen Scheerder for his comments.)
Version 1.1
by Claudio Panichi on Oct 14, 2002
[ disk_quota-1.1.tar.gz tarball (11013 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Requires: Quota binary on any *nix system
- Added some suggestion (FAQ) in INSTALL file. Thanks to Harry Yu, Andrzej Wojkowski and Jorge Paramo (others: see CREDITS)
- Added section "RUNNING DISK_QUOTA ON DIFFERENT BOXES" via SUDO in INSTALL. Thanks to Richard J.Sears and others (see CREDITS) for this!
- Added "CREDITS" since I receive many hints from many people, so let's thanks them :-)
- Splitted CHANGELOG section into a single file
Version 1.0
by Claudio Panichi on Jan 23, 2002
[ disk_quota-1.0.tar.gz tarball (9771 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Quota binary on any *nix system
- Added one more suggestion from Jakub Grygiel
to not allow users to use php scripts in their www directory (See FAQ section in INSTALL file for more details!)
- Use a table to report informations on disk_quota page, so now the page is very nice!
- Use a better english (I hope! Please send me some better dialogs!)
- Ready for 1.0 / Now it's time for me to start working on my Physics thesis! =;-)
Version 0.7
by Claudio Panichi on Jan 21, 2002
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: Quota binary on any *nix system
- Suggestion hints about wwwquota (see INSTALL file for more details)
- Splitted READEME in README and INSTALL. Improved documentation
- More code cleanup... now it even smells =;o)
- Some cosmetics: use of colors depending on theme in use!
- Now users are prompted with their quota-status (use colors too)
- Added explanation so users can understand the numbers in the table
- It appears a "red" warning if they're exeeding quota on one or more partitions!
Version 0.6
by Claudio Panichi on Jan 16, 2002
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: Setuided quota binary on any *nix system
- Opss... Forgot to thanks Emiliano "Albert" Gabrielli for some great hints for version 0.5!
- Changed setup.php; now plugin will chose a column, no more in the middle of the page! (thanks to Jimmy Conner)
- Now disk_quota tries to automatically find the quota-binary if variable $quota_binary is not defined by SysAdmin in "option.php"
- Completed a comment in options.php
- A first check with $return_status. Need to work a lot on this point!
Version 0.5
by Claudio Panichi on Jan 15, 2002
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: setuided quota binary on *nix system
- Pratically rewritten!
- Adjusted README
- Don't use tempfile to store "quota" output
- Show quota for all filesystem we mount with usrquota enabled
- More code cleanup
- More customization: you can chose table_border_size and the location for quota_binary now!
- Introduced return_status for the quota call. We'll need it
since any of next versions ;p (stay tuned!)
Version 0.2
by Claudio Panichi on Jan 14, 2002
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: Requires: setuided quota binary on *nix system
- More documentation
- Big code cleanup before starting with great things :)