Version 1.4 re-release
by Kerem Erkan on Nov 2, 2006
[ check_quota-1.4-re-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (11104 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 or above; IMAP server with QUOTA compatibility or UNIX filesystem with quotas enabled.
Description: - Moved changelog to CHANGELOG file from README
- Added Bahasa Melayu translation (Thanks to Muhd Zamri MS)
- Added Brazilian (pt_BR) translation (Thanks to Rodrigo Luis Silva)
- Added Czech (cs_CZ) translation (Thanks to Viktor Matys)
- Added Finnish (fi_FI) translation (Thanks to Jarkko Ranta)
- Added German (de_DE) translation (Thanks to Florian Daumling)
- Added Lithuanian (lt_LT) translation (Thanks to Tomas Kuliavas)
- Added Nynorsk (nn_NO) translation (Thanks to Ola Ketil Siqveland)
- Added Polish (pl_PL) translation (Thanks to Lukasz 'e2rd' Sanocki)
Version 1.4
by Kerem Erkan on Mar 15, 2005
[ check_quota-1.4-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (18537 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 or above; IMAP server with QUOTA compatibility or UNIX filesystem with quotas enabled. / MD5 Sum: b9b6c50445dc68d29c6af6b9c11e3481
Description: - UNIX checker still had minor problems for file quotas, they are fixed now
- Corrected a bug introduced in v1.3 which caused the filesystem aliases to be displayed incorrectly
- Changed the option to show filesystems so that people can set to show filesystem names, filesystem aliases or both
- Fixed some minor but annoying problems (Thanks to Matt Howard and Angelo Bertolli)
- Added Polish (pl_PL) translations (Thanks to Lukasz 'e2rd' Sanocki)
- Added Dutch (nl_NL) translations (Thanks to Jasper Boot and Joris Machielse)
- Added French (fr_FR) translations (Thanks to S�bastien Dicque)
Version 1.3
by Kerem Erkan on Feb 15, 2005
[ check_quota-1.3-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (7351 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 or above; IMAP server with QUOTA compatibility or UNIX filesystem with quotas enabled. / MD5 Sum: 66c62595cbbae224cf352089ae68923e
Description: - Fixed a typo in config.php that caused the override text for red alert MOTD not being set
- Fixed a typo that caused IMAP debugging function to break
- Changed the file inclusion behavior to avoid incompatibilities with other plugins
- Fixed some errors on UNIX checker, it showed wrong values for file quotas (Thanks to Thomas J. Canich)
- Optimized some code to minimize notices which php gives when E_NOTICE is set for error reporting in php.ini (These can not be completely eliminated yet; BTW, php error reporting should be off on production systems)
- Added Spanish translations (Thanks to Carlos Juan Martin P�rez)
- Updated Turkish (tr_TR) translations
Version 1.2
by Kerem Erkan on Feb 1, 2005
[ check_quota-1.2-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (6511 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 or above; IMAP server with QUOTA compatibility or UNIX filesystem with quotas enabled. / MD5 Sum: 24464da7c11918714ef29d9f5edd0291
Description: - Changed the MOTD display. Now the plugin gives 2 line breaks before adding the warning messages to avoid confusion
- Added automation for the paths for image and swf files so now there is no need for setting $cq_server, $cq_image_path and $cq_swf_path variables in config.php. These have been removed from configuration file (Thanks to Khedron Wilk)
- Added an option to align graphs left, center or right
- Updated documentation
- Added Swedish (sv_SE) translations (Thanks again Khedron...)
Version 1.1
by Kerem Erkan on Jan 11, 2005
[ check_quota-1.1-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (6783 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 or above; IMAP server with QUOTA compatibility or UNIX filesystem with quotas enabled. / MD5 Sum: 8d4b74073bf1aa6ca3432ac7ea28bf06
Description: - Added override options for dynamic IMAP quota users (Thanks to Michael D. Shook)
- Changed display options so that the plugin displays KBs for values below 1 MB, MBs for values below 1GB and GBs for values over 1GB
- Updated Turkish translations
- ATTENTION: config.php has changed. Please read INSTALL for upgrading.
Version 1.0
by Kerem Erkan on Jan 7, 2005
[ check_quota-1.0-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (6221 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 or above; IMAP server with QUOTA compatibility or UNIX filesystem with quotas enabled. / MD5 Sum: bc103697abf0621be5543082865c8e32
Description: - Initial release
- Added Turkish translations
- The Flash bar graph has been changed from the one in Disk Quota to a more appealing one which can show all three colors (green, yellow, red) in one bar :-) Go see for yourself...
- When merging Disk Quota and Quota Usage plugins into this plugin, some functionality from Disk Quota plugin has been stripped. The plugin no longer has a details page but it can be included in later releases if needed.
- As it is a new release, there may be bugs that I have not seen, please report anything you find to me at kerem[dot]erkan[at]basari[dot]com[dot]tr