Screen shots
Junk Email Filter
Plugins - Junk Folder
Category: Message & Folder Manipulation
Purpose: Mark a Junk Folder as special, and display a message in that folder
for its purpose. Also allow user to create easily this folder.
The Junk Folder Plugin can allow the user to easily create a junk folder, with
a click on a button in the Folders page. Of course, you can set your autocreate
configuration on Cyrus to automatically create that folder and subscribe the
user to it too.
Junk Folder plugin does not handle the automatic purging itself; you must configure your IMAP server to do so. See ipurge(8) of the Cyrus IMAP distribution for more information on how to set
up automatic purging after a given period on Cyrus.
The plugin is localizable. You can send me a translation of the plugin's
messages to your own language and they will be included in the next release.
Send .po files to: avel @
Version 1.0
by Alexandros Vellis on Oct 1, 2003
[ junkfolder-1.0.tar.gz tarball (14211 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.4.0+ and ipurge or some other method of automatic purging on IMAP server
Description: Initial Version.
Older versions
No older versions.
If you have problems with the download or decompressing...
- Internet Explorer
- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Target As"
- Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape
- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Link As"
- Opera
- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Link Document As"
- Lynx and Links
- Press "d" on the link to download the file directly.
- Untarring problems: Your browser might have un-gzipped it for you
automatically. Try just "tar xvf" instead of
"tar xvfz". Also, the plugins archive isn't gzipped
(it is a tarball of .tar.gz files)
- Macintosh users: Just hold down your mouse button to get the menu
instead of right-clicking.
- If all else fails, seek our help