Screen shots
Junk Email Filter
Plugins - Server Side Filters
Category: Obsolete
(Obsolete: See Server Side Filter plugin) This is a replacement for the filters plugin that is included with the Squirrelmail core. It can both provide user side filtering functionality, or be used with modules to extend functionality for server side filtering programs such as maildrop or procmail.
Currently the only module available is for maildrop for use with virtual or local users. More modules coming (procmail next).
Version 0.853
by Sunil William Savkar on Nov 14, 2002
[ filters-0.853.tar.gz tarball (8473 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.1 or greater; Pear DB; [Maildrop]
Description: See CHANGES log.
Older versions
No older versions.
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- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Target As"
- Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape
- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Link As"
- Opera
- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Link Document As"
- Lynx and Links
- Press "d" on the link to download the file directly.
- Untarring problems: Your browser might have un-gzipped it for you
automatically. Try just "tar xvf" instead of
"tar xvfz". Also, the plugins archive isn't gzipped
(it is a tarball of .tar.gz files)
- Macintosh users: Just hold down your mouse button to get the menu
instead of right-clicking.
- If all else fails, seek our help