


The idea is to inlcude here some functions to make easier the right to left implementation by "functionize" some html outputs.

echo_template_var (line 154)
void echo_template_var ( $var, [ $format_ar = array()])
  • $var
  • $format_ar
html_tag (line 27)

Generate html tags

  • return: HTML ready for output
string html_tag (string $tag, [string $val = ''], [string $align = ''], [string $bgcolor = ''], [string $xtra = ''])
  • string $tag: Tag to output
  • string $val: Value between tags
  • string $align: Alignment (left, center, etc)
  • string $bgcolor: Back color in hexadecimal
  • string $xtra: Extra options
set_url_var (line 94)
void set_url_var ( $url,  $var, [ $val = 0], [ $link = true])
  • $url
  • $var
  • $val
  • $link

Documentation generated on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 16:31:30 +0300 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC6