Source for file html.php
Documentation is available at html.php
* The idea is to inlcude here some functions to make easier
* the right to left implementation by "functionize" some
* @copyright © 1999-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
* @license GNU Public License
* @version $Id: html.php,v 2006/04/14 22:27:07 jervfors Exp $
* @param string $tag Tag to output
* @param string $val Value between tags
* @param string $align Alignment (left, center, etc)
* @param string $bgcolor Back color in hexadecimal
* @param string $xtra Extra options
* @return string HTML ready for output
function html_tag( $tag, // Tag to output
$val =
'', // Value between tags
$align =
'', // Alignment
$bgcolor =
'', // Back color
$xtra =
'' ) { // Extra options
GLOBAL $languages, $squirrelmail_language;
if ( isset
( $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['DIR']) ) {
$dir =
$bgc =
" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"";
$alg =
" align=\"$rgt\"";
$alg =
" align=\"$lft\"";
$alg =
" align=\"$align\"";
$ret .=
/* handy function to set url vars */
/* especially usefull when $url = $PHP_SELF */
')=(.*)\\&/AU', /* in the middle */
')=(.*\\&).+/AU', /* at front, more follow */
')=(.*)$/AU', /* at front and only var */
')=(.*)$/AU' /* at the end */
/* Temporary test function to proces template vars with formatting.
* I use it for viewing the message_header (view_header.php) with
$frm_last =
count($format_ar) -
if (isset
($format_ar[0])) echo
foreach ($var as $a_el) {
if (isset
($format_ar[$i])) {
if (isset
($format_ar[$frm_last]) &&
$i ) {
Documentation generated on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 16:31:30 +0300 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC6