Version 1.3
by Paul Lesniewski on Nov 8, 2004
[ quota_usage-1.3-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (22787 d/l) Help ]
Requires: IMAP Server with QUOTA Extension capability
- Added MOTD warning functionality
- Added message count quota display (Thanks to Curtis V. Schleich [cvs at])
- Fixed MB calculation problems (Thanks to Robin Breathe [rbreathe at] and Adam Henry [hank at])
- Added debug flag (see config.php)
- Internationalization
- Added auto-created quota images (requires GD) (Thanks to Mike Smith [mike at])
- XHTML fixes
- Code cleanup
- Please note that the configuration file for this version contains numerous changes and additions
Version 1.2
by Paul Lesniewski on Dec 23, 2003
[ quota_usage-1.2.tar.gz tarball (14717 d/l) Help ]
Requires: IMAP Server with QUOTA Extension capability
- Now works with SquirrelMail 1.5
- Split out configuration items into separate file (NOTE that this means you should back up your configuration settings from functions.php, around line 33 BEFORE you install this new version! They will be removed from that location once you install this version.)
Version 1.1
by Paul Lesniewski on Jul 12, 2003
[ quota_usage-1.1.tar.gz tarball (9886 d/l) Help ]
Requires: IMAP Server with QUOTA Extension capability
- "Yellow alert" option added
- Option to turn off (or change) the "current usage" text
- Smaller graph size (matches font size of text)
- New setup.php format for better overall SquirrelMail performance
- Internationalized all output
- Updated for SquirrelMail plugin version reporting APIs
Version 1.0
by Bill Shupp on Dec 19, 2002
[ quota_usage-1.0.tar.gz tarball (10445 d/l) Help ]
Requires: IMAP Server with QUOTA Extension capability
Description: - Updated version to 1.0
- verified that it works with register_globals off
- Minor updates to documentation
- added screen.jpg so people can see what it looks like
Version 0.5
by Bill Shupp on Apr 29, 2002
[ quota_usage-0.5.tar.gz tarball (10588 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Requires: IMAP Server with QUOTA Extension capability
Description: - Quota usage now displayed as a graph
- New "Over Quota" message
Version 0.4
by Bill Shupp on Dec 31, 2001
[ quota_usage-0.4.tar.gz tarball (7959 d/l) Help ]
Requires: IMAP Server with QUOTA Extension capability
Description: - Current usage now turns red if usage goes above 80%
Version 0.3
by Bill Shupp on Dec 27, 2001
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: IMAP Server with QUOTA Extension capability
- Updated README and FAQ
- Added check for QUOTA capability (Courier users should read the FAQ)
- Fix to work with Cyrus IMAP
- Percentage now shows one decimal