Version 1.32
by Jonathan Stroud on Nov 26, 2003
[ serversidefilter-1.32.tar.gz tarball (8309 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Compatibility plugin. SquirrelMail 1.4.x
Description: Bugfix: Plugin now properly escapes regular expressions charachters.
Moved new filter form to the top of the page by popular request.
Fixed feature to allow users to add their own rules to the beginning or end of the .mailfilter or .procmailrc file. Simply add your own rules/scripts before the BEGIN statement or after the END statement. This feature existed origionally, but had been broken for quite some time.
Version 1.31
by Jonathan Stroud on Nov 25, 2003
[ serversidefilter-1.31.tar.gz tarball (5876 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Compatibility plugin. SquirrelMail 1.4.x
Description: Bugfix for procmail users getting a illegal expression error in the backend.php file.
Also fixes a problem when using procmail and folders with spaces in the name.
Version 1.3
by Jonathan Stroud on Nov 24, 2003
[ serversidefilter-1.3.tar.gz tarball (5830 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Compatibility plugin. SquirrelMail 1.4.x
Description: This is a bugfix release. Not really any new features yet.
I really would like it if someone wants to help develop this code. I have been overwhelmed with other work for the past several months and have not been able to develop any new features.
Version 1.22
by Jonathan Stroud on Aug 9, 2003
[ serversidefilter-1.22.tar.gz tarball (7099 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.4.x, Compatibility plugin, Procmail or Maildrop
Description: Initial release. Many more features to come!