Screen shots

Junk Email Filter

Security Notice
Phishing campain
Version 1.4.15
Security Upgrade

Apple's new Mac OS X (pronounced "ten") is really a variety of BSD under the hood, based on code from FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD. So you can run apache, PHP, SquirrelMail, etc.

There is also a commercial webserver called WebStar, from 4D.com. It supports PHP, so you can run SquirrelMail. Make sure you have WebStar 5.2.4 or later as earlier versions had a problem with SquirrelMail (see MacOSXWebStarPHPProblem).

Mac OS X Server 10.3 already has SquirrelMail installed. To turn it on run the 'Server Admin' utility then

  1. Select 'Web' in the left hand pane.
  2. Select 'Settings' in the bottom button bar
  3. Select 'Sites' in the top button bar.
  4. Select the web site you want to turn on SM for.
  5. Click on the pencil to edit that site.
  6. Select 'Options' in the top button bar and turn on 'WebMail'

OK, that's got it turned on. Run /etc/squirrelmail/config/conf.pl to get to the configure system and you can now access it at "http://<your_domain>/webmail".

P.S. On OS X Server 10.3, Squirrelmail is run under the web performance cache. This is good for users, but if you want to edit source files for Squirrelmail they are out of the document root (i.e. they are not in Library/Webserver/Documents/. Instead they are in a hidden

directory /usr/share/squirrelmail/src

I wrote these instructions on installing SquirrelMail with EIMS Server (http://www.eudora.co.nz/) on Mac OS X Server 10.3.x.

I basically just followed the instructions in the INSTALL document that came with the download but I'm hoping this will be helpful for other EIMS and Mac OS X Server users.

My setup:

  • Mac OS X Server 10.3.4
  • SquirrelMail 1.4.3-RC1
  • EIMS X 3.2.4 mail server (http://www.eudora.co.nz/)
  • PHP 4.3.2 / Apache 1.3.29 <= preinstalled with OS X Server

Be sure to install these OS updates otherwise you'll have a problem whereby there will be no feedback after hitting the Send button (messages get sent but you'll be stuck at the Compose page):

  1. Mac OS X Server 10.3.4 Update (was running 10.3.3)
  2. Security Update 2004-05-24

Here's what I did:

NOTE my directory choices (change if you like):\n

web root directory = /Library/WebServer/Documents  <= default for Mac OS X installation
webmail = SquirrelMail home directory
/var/squirrelmail/data = SquirrelMail "data" directory
/var/squirrelmail/attachments = SquirrelMail "attachments" directory

1. Open Terminal and gain root privileges\n

    su root

2. In Finder, I renamed "squirrelmail-1.4.3-RC1" to "webmail"

3. In Terminal, I moved "webmail" folder to /Library/WebServer/Documents\n

    mv webmail /Library/WebServer/Documents

4. I created a SquirrelMail directory in /var.\n

    mkdir /var/squirrelmail

5. I moved the "data" folder from the "webmail" folder to /var/squirrelmail

(NOTE: to make things clearer, I'm using all absolute paths)\n

    cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/webmail
    mv data /var/squirrelmail

6. I made the "data" folder writeable by the webserver, "www" (as per INSTALL file)\n

    cd /var/squirrelmail
    chown -R www data
    chgrp -R www data

7. I created an "attachments" folder in /var/squirrelmail.\n

    mkdir /var/squirrelmail/attachments

8. I changed permissions on "attachments" folder (as per INSTALL file)\n

    cd /var/squirrelmail
    chgrp -R www attachments
    chmod 730 attachments

9. I started the config utility\n

    cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/webmail/config
    perl conf.pl

10. Use the menu-driven utility and be sure to change these variables:\n

    Server Settings > Domain               = <your domain>
    Server Settings > IMAP Server          = <your server's hostname>
    Server Settings > SMTP Server          = <your server's hostname>

    Folder Defaults > Trash Folder         = Trash
    Folder Defaults > Sent Folder          = Sent Items
    Folder Defaults > Drafts Folder        = Drafts

    General Options > Data Directory       = /var/squirrelmail/data/
    General Options > Attachment Directory = /var/squirrelmail/attachments/
    General Options > Enable UID support   = false

Be sure to save data after making changes.

11. Then to login, just go to:\n

    http://<your hostname>/webmail

The current version of SquirrelMail works with the Apple Mail Server that is built into Mac OS X Server.

If you want to set it up to work with the regular (client) version of Mac OS X, and especially if you are using the UW-IMAP server, then see http://jambalaya.bayswaterfarm.com/archives/000030.html (written for OSX 10.2 and 10.3) or http://news.bayswaterfarm.com/SquirrelMail (written for OSX 10.1).

If you are installing the "Mail Forward" plugin (assuming you have replaced the Apple SMTP server with postfix or sendmail), you need to edit the "Makefile" prior to running "make". Change the second to last line in "Makefile" to

cc -traditional-cpp -c $(CFLAGS) $(RESTRICTUSE) -D WEBUSER="$(WEBUSER)" wfwd.c

then continue with the instructions included with the plugin.

For those wanting to run SquirrelMail with the commercial WebStar server, make sure you have WebStar 5.2.4 or later (see MacOSXWebStarPHPProblem for more info).

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