== About SquirrelMail ==
* [About SquirrelMail]
** What is SquirrelMail?
** Project Origins
** Stability
** License
* [SquirrelMail News] - What's new?
* [Screen Shots] - See SquirrelMail in action
* SquirrelMailDemos - Try out SquirrelMail for yourself
* [Recent Changes] - The change log for the STABLE branch
* [SquirrelMail Security] - A list with known security issues in past SquirrelMail versions and security contact information
* KnownBugs - List of (and possibly solutions to) known bugs in SquirrelMail
* [Static Documentation] - This is a work in progress, but it's always a good place to start.
== Looking for support ==
* [Support] - How to get support
== Installing SquirrelMail ==
=== Pre-Installation ===
* [Requirements] - What you need to get started
* [Download] - Where to get SquirrelMail
* [Upgrading SquirrelMail] - If you already have SquirrelMail installed and are upgrading to a new version.
* [Safe mode] - If you are running PHP in safe mode, please read this first!
=== Installation ===
* QuickAndDirty - How to install SquirrelMail faster
* DataAndAttachmentsDirectories - How to setup SquirrelMail
* RpmInstall - Install via RPM on Red Hat, etc
* InstallingSquirrelMailAptGet - Install via apt-get on Debian/Ubuntu
* InstallingSquirrelmailUnix - How to install SquirrelMail under Unix and Linux.
* [Installing SquirrelMail on a hosted service without shell access] - Installing without root or terminal access, e.g. only by uploading/modifying files.
* InstallingSquirrelMailWindows - How to install SquirrelMail under Windows.
* InstallingSquirrelMailWindowsIIS - How to install SquirrelMail under Windows with IIS.
* InstallingSquirrelMailMacOSX - Installing SquirrelMail under Mac OS X.
=== IMAP Servers ===
* SquirrelMailAndCourierIMAP - How to configure SquirrelMail to work with Courier IMAP
* SquirrelMailAndDovecotIMAP - How to configure SquirrelMail to work with Dovecot IMAP server using Maildir.
=== Post Installation ===
* [Configuring SquirrelMail] - Make sure you configure SquirrelMail after installing it!
* [Plugins] - How to add plugins such as a spell checker to SquirrelMail.
* PatchingSquirrelMail - If you already have SquirrelMail installed and want to install a patch against your current version
* [Database backends] - How to use an SQL database to store addresses.
* SessionsInDatabase - How to store PHP session information in database.
== Using SquirrelMail ==
* [The user manual] - End Users should start here
== Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) ==
* LanguageTranslation - How to show SquirrelMail in non-English languages
* SupportingMultipleLanguages - Steps to enable multiple languages support in SquirrelMail.
* SupportedCharsets - Which charsets SquirrelMail is able to read.
* DefaultTranslation - How do I set the default language for new users and for people logging in?
== FAQs ==
=== Wiki Questions ===
* WhatIsAWiki - Why anyone can edit almost any page and everything else you need to know about the wiki
=== Help Questions ===
* [Support] - How do I get support?
=== General Questions ===
* SquirrelMailFeatures - Does SquirrelMail have feature ___?
* SquirrelMailPerformance - Answers regarding PHP Accelerator's, IMAP proxies, etc.
* [Customizing SquirrelMail] - Can I customize the look and feel for SquirrelMail?
* StyleSheets - How can style sheets be used in SquirrelMail?
* SolvingProblems - I'm having problems. How can I fix them?
* SupportedBrowsers - List of tested browsers plus any browser-specific issues we have identified.
* I got an email that tells me I need to "update my e-mail security (IUEU)" - a phishing scam - SquirrelMailPhishing
=== Server Questions ===
* [Requirements] - What do I need to install and run SquirrelMail?
* SquirrelMailPOP - Can I use POP3 and SquirrelMail?
* [Safe mode] - What if PHP is running in safe mode?
* CustomIMAPReasons - Why do you use your own IMAP functions instead of PHP's?
=== Account Management Questions ===
* [Adding accounts] - How can the users add their own user accounts automatically like in the commercial webmail services?
* [Changing passwords] - Can SquirrelMail change the user's passwords?
* VirtualHosts - How can I do virtual hosting with SquirrelMail?
* [Default user preferences] - How can I set default preferences for my users?
* SquirrelMailSecurity - What can I do to make SquirrelMail secure?
* LoggingInQuicker - How can I log in quicker?
* DefaultTranslation - How do I set the default language for new users and for people logging in?
* MacintoshMailto - How can I set up SquirrelMail to send a message with a mailto: URL?
* WindowsMailto - How can I set up SquirrelMail to send a message with a mailto: URL?
* MozillaMailto - How can I set up SquirrelMail to send a message with a mailto: URL?
* EmbeddedSquirrelMailLogin - How do I put a SquirrelMail login form in any web page?
* QuotaSystems - Can I set up a quota on the mailbox/folder?
* AttachmentSize - How do I increase the maximum size for attachments?
* SentPurge - Is there a way I can purge the "sent" folder as I can with the "trash" folder?
=== Other Specific Questions ===
* [BlankPage] - Why are some pages blank when I have clicked a link?
* UnsafeImages - Why are my images replaced with a warning message?
* TemplatesInSquirrelMail - I keep hearing about templates. What gives?
== Contributing to SquirrelMail ==
* [SquirrelMail Developer's Manual] - How to participate in the SquirrelMail project
* LanguageTranslation - What it is and how its done
* DevelMap - Location of some developers
* DevelopmentHome - A collection of working documents
* Contributions can be submitted to [Squirrelmail Patches Tracker], but read the Developer's Manual first.