


This code provides various string manipulation functions that are used by the rest of the SquirrelMail code.

parseEmail (line 40)
void parseEmail ( &$body)
  • &$body
parseUrl (line 79)
void parseUrl ( &$body)
  • &$body
replaceBlock (line 18)

Undocumented - complain, then patch.

void replaceBlock ( &$in,  $replace,  $start,  $end)
  • &$in
  • $replace
  • $start
  • $end
sq_strpos_8bit (line 165)

Finds first occurrence of 8bit data in the string

Function finds first 8bit symbol or html entity that represents 8bit character. Search start is defined by $offset argument. Search ends at $maxlength position. If $maxlength is not defined or bigger than provided string, search ends when string ends.

Check returned data type in order to avoid confusion between bool(false) (not found) and int(0) (first char in the string).

  • return: integer with first 8bit character position or boolean false
  • since: 1.5.2 and 1.4.7
mixed sq_strpos_8bit (string $haystack, [integer $offset = 0], [integer $maxlength = false])
  • string $haystack
  • integer $offset
  • integer $maxlength

Documentation generated on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 16:33:58 +0300 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC6