Screen shots

Junk Email Filter

Security Notice
Phishing campain
Version 1.4.15
Security Upgrade

Formating Rules

Bold - '''bold text'''

Italic - ''italic text''

Bold Italic text - '''''bold italic text'''''

Code snippets - <code>some code</code>

DisableWikiFormating - use three ` symbols as prefixes and suffixes

Monospace text - {{monospace text}}

Horizontal rule - ----

Display Macros

The display macros are notated by [[MacroName parameters . . .]]. When present in a page, the macro function is called to replace the macro call with the output of the macro. The current default list of macros is as follows:

  • Page Size
[[PageSize]] is one of the Tavi Macros; it displays the size of each page in bytes.
  • Link Table
[[LinkTable]] is one of the Tavi Macros; it displays all of the pages that each page links to.
  • Orphaned Pages
[[OrphanedPages]] is one of the Tavi Macros; it displays all of the pages that no other page links to.
  • Wanted Pages
[[WantedPages]] is one of the Tavi Macros; it displays all pages that are linked to but do not yet exist.
  • Page Links
[[PageLinks]] is one of the Tavi Macros; it indicates how many links to other pages each page contains. Multiple links to the same page count multiple times.
  • Page Refs
[[PageRefs]] is one of the Tavi Macros; it displays how many links there are to each page. Multiple links on a page increase the count. A page that links to itself also counts.

Tavi Categories

  • [[! *]] - the category of all pages
  • [[! ~]] - the category of pages scheduled for deletion
  • [[! ?]] - the category of newly created pages (pages whose first version hasn't yet expired)

Wiki documentation URLs

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