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Junk Email Filter

Security Notice
Phishing campain
Version 1.4.15
Security Upgrade
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Wed, 21 Oct 2009 00:53:17 . . . . squirrelmail.org [Removing link]

Changes by last author:

The SquirrelMail project is moving information off the wiki into the [static documentation]. This is the management page for that subproject. Contact Fredrik Jervfors at the [development mailing list] if you have any questions regarding it.

The list below is a collection of links used when trying to achieve the goal above.

* RecentChanges

* WantedPages

* OrphanedPages

* DeletedPages

The list below contains pages where I put documentation TODOs.

* CookieRequirement

* DataAndAttachmentsDirectories

* LoginError

* StyleSheets

* TranslateMethod

The list below contains pages that are scheduled to be moved to the developer's manual.

* BreakingPHPInstall

* OfficialPlugins

* ReleasingTranslations

The list below contains pages that are scheduled to be moved to the administrator's manual.

* CustomIMAPReasons

* DealingWithSpam

* EmbeddedSquirrelMailLogin

* HelpingOut

* Installing SquirrelMail

** PatchingSquirrelMail

** RpmInstall

** QuickAndDirty

** SquirrelMailAndCourierIMAP

** SquirrelMailAndDovecotIMAP

** InstallingSquirrelMailWindows

** InstallingSquirrelMailWindowsIIS

** InstallingSquirrelMailUnix

** InstallingSquirrelMailMacOSX

** DataAndAttachmentsDirectories

** SupportedCharsets

** ExampleUnixMailConfiguration

** SupportingMultipleLanguages

** SessionsInDatabase

* KnownBugs

* LanguageTranslation (some subpages of this page might be moved to the translator's manual instead)

* LDAPAddressBook

* SampleIMAPSession

* SpamFilters

* SpeedingUpPHP

* SquirrelMailFeatures

** SquirrelMailAndOthers

** SquirrelMailPOP

** SquirrelMailWithExchangeFAQ

** SquirrelSpell

* SquirrelMailPerformance

* SquirrelMailSecurity

* SquirrelSpell

* StyleSheets

* TemplatesInSquirrelMail

* TestPHPSettings

* UsingLDAP

* UsingSSL

* WebServerHardware

* WindowsMailto

The list below contains pages that are linked to from outside the wiki. They might need to be rewritten and will become static when that is done.

* SquirrelMailGPL

* DocumentationHome

* HowMailSystemsWork

* InternetRelayChat

WishesToTracker will be evaluated and integrated in the trackers where it belong.

CommercialUsers and the old feedback page will be used as a base for the page with testimonies.

© 1999-2016 by The SquirrelMail Project Team